Poly Haven

Creating free, high quality 3D assets for everyone

  • 1,684 paid members
  • 113 posts
  • $6,114/month

Choose your membership

Pay annually (Save 16%)
Early Access
 / month

Want to get assets that almost nobody else has?

We publish assets every day or so, but we upload them in bulk long in advance (sometimes months!).

Join this tier if you want to be on the bleeding edge of what we're working on, and get your hands on our assets long before anyone else.

  • Discord access 
Most popular
Offline Access & Blender Add-on
 / month

Downloading a bunch of anything one-by-one is slow.

Use our Blender add-on to add them to your asset browser, or join our cloud folder and sync the whole thing to your hard drive.

Includes Early Access to unpublished assets.

  • Discord access 
 / month

Choose an asset every month to stick your name and a link next to permanently.

You can do this once or as often as you like and switch back to a lower tier, your name will stay there.

Includes Early Access and Offline Access rewards.

  • Discord access 
 / month

The work we do matters so much to you that you want to get more deeply involved.

Join this tier to get access to our private internal communication channels and help us discuss what to work on.

Includes all previous rewards.

  • Discord access 
Recent posts by Poly Haven
Poly Haven

Unlock 113 posts

Unlock 113 exclusive posts and join a community of 1,684 paid members
Starting at